昆山中科易能工业设备有限公司是美国robinson fans授权的唯一中国区总代理。本公司长期代理销售美国robinson fans产品,有需要该产品的客户欢迎来电咨询洽谈!
美国robinson fans产品销售专线: 李经理
heavy-duty air foil fans
air foil fans are designed, engineered and tested for airstreams re high efficiency and quiet operation. they are used extensively for continuous service to 850°f in forced and induced draft applications in the metals, chemical, power generation, paper, rock products, glass, resource recovery, iinduced draft and forced draft service
- heat recovery
- incineration
- air pollution
- waste-to-energy
- boiler operations
- fluidized bed
- combustion air
- process air
ncineration and other industries throughout the world.
volts:380v amps:59a hp:40 rpm:1460 poles:4 form:fbk1 amb:40℃ fr#:326t duty:cont ins.clss:h nema des:b nema cope:h |
robinson industries.co. |
美国robinson fans产品型号:
air foil axial flow backward curve backwardly inclined blo bearings
forward curve industrial dampers